The Dokuz Eylul University of Law offers a-four-year undergraduate program. Turkish students will be able to enroll after achieving the required score in the national examination (ÖSYM). Foreign students on the other hand, are required to take the YÖS examination. Students with law degrees from foreign countries may apply to the School of Law, to fulfill the eligibility requirements of being an attorney in Turkey.
Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Law is a community of qualified academicians and students. The faculty is one of the most competitive Law Schools in Turkey with 17 full professors, 21 associate professors, 35 assistants professors , 20 research assistants, 1 lect dr., 1 lect., currently teaching and conducting research.
Our graduates have been the spokesman and defenders of civilization, justice, democracy, secularity, peace and love; in short the principles protecting human honour, which are the common values of humanity and on which reason and historical experiences are based. They have been able to protect these values which they hold dearer than themselves and which are shared by the Turkish Republic inherited from the great Atatürk.
Dokuz Eylul University, School of Law was established in 1978. Law no:2809 had amended the provisions of KHK no:41 and therefore established Dokuz Eylul University and the School of Law.
Scholarships of government and private agencies
Computer Labs
Internet access
Psychological care services
Academic consultance
Library (In Turkish & Foreign Languages)
Reading Rooms
Dokuz Eylul University School of Law shares the same campus with Schools of Economy, Foreign Languages and Social Sciences, in Tınaztepe/Buca