Master’s Degree

Master of Law at Dokuz Eylul University Graduate School of Social Science

Undergraduate program aims to teach legal Notion and main legal concepts. However, the purpose of the masters degree is to specialize, deepen and improve the ability to research upon the main acknowledges received at the undergraduate level.

The first step of the postgraduate programs is Master. After successfully completing the Masters degree, students have cahnce to continue with the PHD programs. There is direct PHD program that accepts students who have not completed the Masters at the Dokuz Eylul University Graduate School of Social Science.

First requirement to  apply to the Master Program is Bachlehor’s Degree. Additionally, the candidates should have the conditions that announced every yeary by the Graduate School of Social Sciences. There are two types of Master Programs. First group is Masters with Thesis and the other one is Master’s without thesis. For the Master Programs with Thesis, ALES exam, grade and the science exam about the field of study combined and the highest candidates accepted to the program within the vacancy.  For the Master Programs Without Thesis, the criterias are the ALES exam and the grade. However, the criterias and the requirements should been asked from the Graduate School of Social Sciences every year.   

Master Programs with Thesis consist of two semester lectures level and two semester thesis level. Master Programs Without Thesis consist of three semester lectures level and the Project at the end.At the end of both programs, there should be a successfull presentation before the jury. For the Master Programs to be efficient, student recommended to fluent at least one foreign language.

At present, there are four Master Programs with Thesis; Public Law, Private Law, European Union Law, Human Rights Law and six Master Programs without Thesis; Criminal Law,  Economy Law, Human Rights Law, Family Law, Public Law, Private Law.  Compare to other law schools, Dokuz Eylul University Law School only accepts limites students for the Master Programs every year.  The lectures consist of 8-10 students.


For Information :




Criminal Law (Non-Thesis-Evening)

European Union Law

Human Rights Law

Human Rights Law (Non-Thesis-Evening)

Law of Economics Non-Thesis (Evening)

Public Law

Public Law (Non-Thesis-Evening)



Family Law Non-Thesis (evening)

Private Law

Private Law (non-thesis-evening)


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