From left to right: 1-4– Couple of students 5- Dr. Şeref ERTAŞ 6- Assoc.Prof.Dr. Özkan TİKVEŞ 7- Prof. Muhittin ALAM (Dean) 8- Prof. Şükrü POSTACIOĞLU 9- Prof. Dr. Kudret AYİTER 10- Prof. Dr. Bilge UMAR 11- Research Asistant Ahmet ÇALIK
Dokuz Eylul University, School of Law was established in 1978. Law no:2809 had amended the provisions of Legislative Degree no:41 and therefore established Dokuz Eylul University and the School of Law.
Primarily, the Senate of Ege University had adopted the resolution of establishment of Law School within Ege University on 13th December 1977. In the session of the Senate, dated 07.02.1978, members of the Department of Law of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (Prof. Dr. Muhiddin ALAM, Prof. Dr. İrfan BAŞTUĞ, Prof. Dr. Şükrü POSTACIOĞLU, Prof. Dr. Bilge UMAR, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özkan TİKVEŞ, Res. Asst. Şebnem BAŞOĞLU, Dr. Şeref ERTAŞ, Res. Asst. Huriye MENEMENCİOĞLU and Res. Asst. Ahmet ÇALIK) was conveyed to Law School. With the transmission of Professors from other Law Schools, Ege University Law School had been capable of constitute faculty board. With the proposal of Faculty Board and resolution of the Senate these departments was established within the Law School:
1- Department of Legal History and Roman Law
2- Department of Private Law
3- Department of Commercial Law
4- Department of Labour and Social Security Law
5- Department of Civil Procedure and Bankruptcy Law
6- Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law
7- Department of Criminal Law and International Law
Afterwards It was decided to admit 200 student in term of 1978/1979 on 11th July 1978 and Implementing Regulation of Education and Exam was adopted on 3th October 1978 by the Senate. It was considered to be one of the most progressive and modern implementing regulations in Turkey.
Finally the Ege University Law School came into activity on 15th December 1978 in a building in neighbourhood of Karataş. Our Law School is located in Dokuzcesmeler Campus/Buca at present. However, the construction of new building is in process in Tınaztepe Campus. It is expected to enter into service in term of 2014/2015. It is expected to be one of the most modern law School buildings in Turkey.
Ege University Law School was converted into Dokuz Eylul University Law School by the Legislative Degree No. 41 which Dokuz Eylul University and converted some faculties of Ege University to it on 20th July 1982.
The opening lecture can be defined as the first lesson given at the opening ceremony of a new academic year of the Faculty. The opening lecture, which gives the Dean an oppurtunity to address new students, brings the students and the faculty members together in the same lecture hall at the opening of each academic year. The opening lecture will be given on a current or theoretical subject usually by a senior faculty member, but sometimes by a young and brilliant lecturer. At the end of the lecture, students turn back to their classes, and in the meantime new friendships have already been established and first sharings have been made…
The opening lecture was given for the first time in our Faculty on 15 November 1978, the first year of education and training, by deceased Professor Kudret AYITER, one of the founder lecturers, on the subject of “Roman Law and Current Law”. It has then become an academic tradition performed with the same enthusiasm in our Faculty each year.