What is Farabi Exchange Program? Farabi is an exchange program of students (at associate, bachelor, masters or doctorate levels) as well as teaching staff members among the Turkish higher education institutions, including universities and institutes of technology. Farabi Exchange Program’s aim is that university students and teaching staff members participate in education and training at a higher education institution other than their own during a period of one or two semesters The principles regarding the execution of the Farabi Exchange program have been outlined fully in the related By-Law and Rules and Procedures of the program. |
Farabi (871-950) Farabi was born in Turkestan’s city of Farab in 871. He travelled about the important centers of science and learning of his time period such as Bukhara, Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo, Harran and Aleppo. He produced works in the fields of philosophy, mathematics, logic, political science and music. In the Islamic world, he attained to a high level of fame and prestige in the field of philosophy, one that is comparable to that of Aristo’s, and is named as the “second teacher” in the aftermath of Aristo, the “first teacher”. Farabi is known in the West as “Alpharabius”. He passed away in 950 in Damascus. Where and when to apply for the program? Students who are willing to participate in the program apply to the Farabi Exchange Program Coordination Office at the high education institution they are enrolled in. This program is open to the students who are enrolled in formal education programs as a undergraduate, graduate or phd student. Applicants should have grade point average of 2.00 and above 2.00 out of 4. Post graduate and PHD students must have grade point average of 2.50. Another condition is not to have disciplinary penalty. In order for students to apply for that program, there must be an exchange protocol signed between the actual university of a student and the university he or she is willing to go under that program, and if such protocol exists, the department to which the student is to apply must have vacancy. If such vacancy is available, that student may fill in required application forms and apply to Farabi Program offices. Students may obtain such information and forms from both the website of Farabi Exchange Program and Farabi coordination offices of their own universities. Evaluation is made based on students’ grade point average. The points are listed in descending order and students are placed in vacancies. For instance, if there are 5 vacancies, 5 students with highest grade point average are entitled to participate in the Farabi Program. If the university to be enrolled under that program is offering education in foreign language, 50% of grade point average and 50% of foreign language grade point are taken as basis. |
Hukuk Fakültesi Farabi Koordinatörlüğü
Coordinator | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Gümrah TOKER aligumrah@hotmail.com 301 61 77 Room Number: A1-313 Bachelor’s Degree |
Assistant Coordinator | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uğur SAMANCI ugursamanci@gmail.com 301 62 00 Room Number: A2-308 |
Res. Assist Aliye AKGÜN TOKER |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Serdar NARİN serdarnarins@hotmail.com 301 61 37 Room Number: A2-203 Public Law LLM Public Law PhD |
Private Law LLM Private Law PhD Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Gümrah TOKER |
International Office | |
Prof. Dr. Banu DURUKAN SALI International Academic Relations Office Coordinator Prof. Dr. Ülviyye AYDIN International Academic Relations Office Vice-Coordinator +90 (232) 412 16 54 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fulya AKGÜL DURAKÇAY International Academic Relations Office Vice-Coordinator +90 (232) 412 16 52 |
Hülya ÖZ Office Coordination Supervisor – Farabi (Farabi Supervisor Incoming Students-Outgoing Students)
+90 (232) 412 16 57 |